The Future of public space - Morgenstadt Conference


Report of the Conference

Here you can find a summary of the workshops and events of the Morgenstadt Conference - The Future of public space

The Future of Public Space

Smart Cities aim for an ever-increasing amount of connectivity through the usage of information and communication technology (ICT) with physical devices and citizens to increase efficiency of city operations and to ease the day-to-day lives of their inhabitants.

All too often, it seems, technological fixes and innovative ideas are being implemented in cities whilst losing sight of the people who inhabit them. Therefore, we need to refocus our attention on the areas where we cannot only improve digital interconnections, but also human ones: the public space.

Challenges within public spaces have increased. This intensifies the tasks of urban planners and thus the question of how public spaces will be transformed in the future.

This Morgenstadt conference will explore ways to reconceptualize public spaces for the city of tomorrow, preparing to face a multitude of challenges.


Keynote 1:
What will our cities look like in the future? A look at the challenges facing urban planners with the emergence of smart technical systems

Keynote 2:
Connections and interactions between smart supply systems – including logistics, water and energy systems – and the public

Keynote 3:
How are digitalization and new technologies implemented in the public space and what influence do they have on decision-making processes and people’s behavior?

Keynote 4:
Innovative approaches to managing and steering smart cities

Keynote 5:
The role of autonomous vehicles in clearing and creating public spaces for tomorrow‘s cities

Keynote 6:
The role of communication and advertising in the transformation of tomorrow‘s public space


Workshop 1: Tackling urban challenges with innovative solutions

Urban design: How smart urban development can positively affect city dwellers’ behavior

Future urban supply systems: The connections and interactions between smart supply systems – including logistics, water and energy systems – and the public

Data & digital public space: A closer look at how to manage (large) data flows and set up use cases for a digital public space


Workshop 2:

Smart governance: Smart governance: New governance systems and citizen participation in – and acceptance of – smart city projects. How can data help improve decision-making processes?

Mobility: How less personalized means of transport can help create more public space in a city: The role of autonomous vehicles, intelligent car parks and intermodal mobility

Communication in public space: Examining the role of media and advertising in public space


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